EDELAC is very grateful with the following partners for the support they provide to the homeless children of Quetzaltenango.


Hovde Foundation

The Hovde Foundation was founded in 1998 to support two central missions: finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis and helping vulnerable children and families in the US, Latin America, and Africa. The focus of the Hovde Houses is to provide shelter, health, community development, and youth education to children in crisis. Learn more about the Hovde Foundation



Accounting for International Development (AfID) supports a broad range of non-profit organisations globally through the provision of volunteer accountants. Assignments from 2 weeks to 12 months form part of our ongoing commitment to build the financial management capacity of non-profit partners globally. AfID and their volunteers have supported more than 500 non-profit partners in 57 countries. Learn about AfID


  • Pensión Bonifaz
  • Salón Tecún
  • Hotel Modelo
  • Casa Argentina
  • Familia Chávez
  • Pizza Giuseppes
  • Panadería Xelapán
  • Facultad de Humanidades del Centro Universitario de Occidente
  • Universidad Landívar
  • Parroquia el Calvario y Feligresía.


  • Save The Children - Dinamarca
  • Juliaca - España
  • Iglesia de Intercambio Mundial - Escocia
  • Fundación Richardson - Estados Unidos